Where to move if you want an instant raise!

With work from home continuing to be an option for about 12.7% of the workforce according to a recent forbes article. The ability to purchase a property in another state has become a reality and goal for many people. People are looking to move back to their hometowns, closer to or away from family and or friends. Another glaring reason is taxes! We have put together an interesting interactive chart that includes property, sales & income taxes and just for fun I through in average home sales price, temperature and humidity. If I am going to give myself a raise by moving to a low tax state I at least want to be in a decent climate! Author’s note: I don’t think Alaska is going to make the cut! Disclaimer: The accuracy of this information should be verified before you sell everything and move to another state as taxes and weather changse due to reasons we may or may not be able to control. 

Please comment below on where you would move and why. I am asking for a friend. know more about us 

State Information Table

State by State Tax table

State Sales Tax Rate Income Tax Rate Avg Property Tax Rate Most Recent Year Avg Home Sales Price Avg Homeowners Insurance Rate Avg Temperature (°F) Avg Humidity (%)

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